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Modern grey arrangements

Modern grey arrangements

Grey has many names. Surprised? Ash, melange, silver, grey are just a few of the many shades and terms of this timeless and elegant colour. Gray accessories fit in with any interior and make the room look amazing.

Children's wall arts with animal motifs

Children's wall arts with animal motifs

How quickly and effortlessly can you change something in your child's room? Wall arts with animal motifs will be helpful. Wall arts showing animals will not only turn your child's room into a nature-inspired magical land, but will also awaken his natural curiosity for the world.

5 most popular living room wallpapers

5 most popular living room wallpapers

Today you can change the look of your living room or bedroom in a few minutes. How to do that? Using colourful murals.

Modern Easter decorations

Modern Easter decorations

Easter is a wonderful time. They are associated with a new beginning, spring and hope. For this reason, a tradition was born to decorate houses, flats and even workplaces on the occasion of Easter Night.

An easy way to restore your old door – DIY!

An easy way to restore your old door – DIY!

The DIY formula is gaining popularity in the era of grassroots ecological movements and the trend of being "zero waste". Instead of throwing away old things, let's give them new life by refreshing them ourselves. 

Modern wall clocks

Modern wall clocks

Wall clocks are a fashionable and useful accessory that greatly facilitates everyday living and adds charm to interiors. Clocks have been in homes for many years, only the form and material from which they are made change. Why do we so willingly opt for them in our homes?

Five ideas for a spring living room decor

Five ideas for a spring living room decor

Spring is a season longed for more than the first snow. It is hardly surprising, after the lack of a real winter we look forward to fresh energy that will stimulate us to creative action. Spring energy is also worth introducing into the interior.

Valentine's Day wall decorations

Valentine's Day wall decorations

The lovers' holiday is soon. Shopping malls are undergoing a siege, which will last until the end of next week. This is the moment, when you must decide whether you want to be thoughtful or romantic, or maybe both at once? We bet on original ideas, just like Valentine's Day wall decorations.

Glass prints vs. canvas prints

Glass prints vs. canvas prints

Well-chosen colors constitute the basis of all wall decorations, regardless of the material from which they were made. Expressive, vivid colors with depth are what creates an atmosphere and gives a unique character to any interior.
